Your spouse won't settle, and the threat of a divorce trial looms on the horizon. Should you take a divorce trial gamble? First and foremost, seriously consider the risks. There are no crystal balls, and judges are fallibly human. Even the best attorneys can't … [Read more...]
Should you kick your judge off the bench (aka recuse)?
Good judges are patient, respectful and put aside their personal beliefs when considering evidence and making rulings. Biased judges let their beliefs unfairly prejudice their decisions. If you may be disadvantaged by the beliefs of the California family judge assigned to … [Read more...]
What to expect when going to court in California
If you're separating and/or getting divorced in California you never need to set foot in a courthouse but if you do, here's what you can expect. Courthouses Most courthouses are located in heavily trafficked business districts, especially in San Francisco and Santa … [Read more...]
Tips for your courtroom appearances during divorce
You are one of two lead actors in this show that is your divorce. The courthouse is your Broadway Theater, and the courtroom, your main stage. Your critical role is to turn your toughest and most vital critic: the family law judge, into your biggest fan. If you bomb or flop … [Read more...]
3 Tips on enforcing a judgment after divorce
If you are dealing with an ex who isn't complying with the terms of your divorce judgment, you could have a lengthy, exhausting and even futile journey ahead of you. Enforcing a judgment in California can be extremely difficult for many reasons. These reasons include, among … [Read more...]